Friday, June 27, 2008

Pursuit 12

The Google Blog search was easy to use. And the search return was in their nice, familiar format. I tried searching for Butterfly Gardens and didn't find too much. But then I tried searching for Needlepoint Projects and came up with a bunch of good information. One site had a helpful Color Picker widget that I tried to get onto my blog, but I couldn't get it to work. Will try again later.
I enjoy reading comments from my fellow bloggers. Nice to know someone is looking at my work! I saved some of the html's on the How to Comment links to use with my faculty this fall. I think the Darth Commentator analogy was pretty good. When I read through postings on local news sites, there are always a few lurking DCs.

1 comment:

Naletta Galbraith said...

You have made me hopeful that there are blogs on something that may interest me. I will try the Google Blog search. I certainly wich there had been something on butterfly gardens, that would have been right up my alley.